
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Chocolate Frosted Almond Cookies

These fun cookies are not too sweet and are fun for the kids to make. I used a cookie recipe from Elana's Pantry found here and I once again modified this frosting recipe. I didn't roll out the cookies, just placed balls of dough on the cookie sheet and flattened them with my hand. They look so fun everyone wanted one. I found out you need to work as quickly as possible with the frosting so it doesn't harden up in your icing bag. You can also spread the frosting on too, which is what I ended up doing when the frosting tip hardened.

Chocolate Coconut Frosting

1/2 c. coconut oil, melted
2 T. raw cocoa powder
2 tsp. honey
1 tsp. vanilla

Combine all ingredients with a whip, place in freezer for 2 minutes. Remove and stir with whip. Place in freezer again for 2 minute intervals, whipping in between. Once frosting is cloudy continue to whip and the frosting will become thick and creamy. Use immediately.


  1. What kind of coconut oil do you use? Mine is a little too "coconutty."

  2. New Site looks very impressive will have a good look around later.

    I've moved on since David's Space for Coeliac's

    I now have three recipe blogs up and running.


    The Gluten Free Video Cookbook

    Gluten Free Internet Recipes

    Best Regards,

  3. Hi Hiit Mama,
    I found Ultimate Superfoods coconut oil for sale in bulk at Real Foods, I really like it and it does have a milder flavor than some other coconut oils I have tried. Good Luck!
