The subtitle of this book is "In Which the Nontoxic Avenger Shows You How to Improve Your Health and That of Your Family While You Save Time, Money, and Perhaps, Your Sanity". It is a mouthful but truly explains what the book is about. The first chapter starts at the beginning, how to organize, store and declutter, after all why learn how to clean it if you don't really need or want it? The following chapters go into detail on how to clean the kitchen (everything from the refrigerator to the toaster and safe food handling), bathrooms, bedrooms, laundry and general cleaning tips. The last chapters cover your car, indoor air quality, the yard, and pet care. Needless to say everything a typical home needs to keep clean is covered in these 400 pages from your coffee pot to your dog.
Now I know you are thinking, 400 pages? on cleaning? how boring.... but Ellen has a style that presents the information in an interesting and at times humorous way. She recommends using vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and natural soaps, things you can buy at your local grocery or drug store. Last but not least the book has an excellent index which I have used many times since reading it as I have needed to reference a particular item. I can't say I enjoy cleaning the bathroom but I have a system now that gets it clean without harsh cleaners in a minimal amount of time and with minimal cost.
This looks like a great book! I will need to read it. Thanks for sharing!