1. Stay healthy; I can't enjoy any of the fun if I don't feel well. Take my vitamins, eat regularly, get enough sleep, make sure to meditate and do yoga so I can get the most out of the season.
2. Decorating; whatever I can get up in a day is great but don't spend more than one day decorating (the take down shouldn't take more than a day either)
3. Gifts; think ahead, start buying early. Let my husband help (he is really great at this so utilize him) Make a list and keep it with me so when I see something I will know if I should get it or not. Have the kids draw names if they want to. Make ahead of time neighbor gifts (elderberry syrup or freezer jam, nuts) Shop online if possible. Limit stocking stuffers to 3 or 4 and gifts for the kids to 3 each.
4. Parties; be careful about what you eat and choose two to go to, politely decline invitations for the others.
5. Food; make it easy and include everyone in the preparations, don't get hung up on having a perfect meal.
6. Really think about each day and choose the things that honor the people in my life not the details of having everything perfect. Enjoy each day!
7. Traditions to keep; Christmas cards, tree, breakfast on Christmas Eve, outside lights, decorating inside, neighbor gifts and cards, lunch with the girls, staying over at mom's and shopping with the kids.
8. Things that can go; making truffles, elaborate lights and decorations, homemade cards, lots of shopping trips, elaborate gifts, think simple!
This is a great list. I needed it this year! I will certainly refer to it next year. Thanks for for highlighting the need to let the unimportant stuff go.